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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chapter 79.2: Richard Wright, Leaving the Machine

Richard Wright, one of the founding members of Pink Floyd, has died. He was the organist, and when you think of early Pink Floyd you think of Syd Barrett and the sound of Wright's keyboard.

While I was never a stoner, I always liked Pink Floyd. Sure it was music to get high to, but it was something more than that as well. Like good jazz, Pink Floyd songs start off as musical oddities and then, as you hear them again, they slowly show you other possibilities. You hear the little nuances that had been missed the first time.

For me, a lot of those nuances were played on the keyboards of Richard Wright. I'll be honest, I haven't listened to much Floyd lately. But as the old rockers start heading to that big ol' juke box in the sky, I think we must remember them as key players in an important time in our lives.

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