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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Things were Dark for Ages back then

Skills that would be useful if you were sent back in time to the Dark Ages

- Ability to make fire
- The knowledge that infection spreads through touch. Would save a lot of lives.
- Knowledge of the scientific method and how to teach it. This would become very useful once you were estalished.
- Good ability with a sword. Necessary if you're to survive your first few days.
- Ability to make hot water to wash hands to remove germs. This would be a big leap for some.
- Ability to make a printing press. This shouldn't be too hard but would be a massive step forward for education.
- The ability to find a skilled glassmaker to make eyeglasses. This alone would be a big money earner and should help you with some of your more ambitious projects.
- A source of gunpowder or something explosive enough, and a good blacksmith to make a rudimentary barrel to create range weapons.
- Ideas about farming, such as leaving one field in every four fallow for a year to allow it to recover. This will increase food production significantly.
- Better knowledge about pregnancy, and better knowledge of how to deliver baby.
- The knowledge to work towards steam and internal combustion engines, although it might take some time before the skill in metalwork was there to be able to make the parts possible.

Plus many, many more. Feel free to add your own in the comments! Bonus question: which country/area would you take these advances to, assuming you could speak the language?

I'd just like to thank Shiloh for giving me the idea!

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