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Friday, September 4, 2009

Change We Can Be-link In

You may have noticed a theme in the last few posts. Yes, it's been hip-hop week here at Did I Say I'm Just A Boy. I've got a couple more similarly-themed posts on the way, but I thought I'd take a break to clear through my ever expanding collection of links. Also, I've changed the colours of the blog a bit. Always good to freshen things up occasionally. I might tweak it a bit more.

Okay, to the links!

- Seven Beloved Celebrities and the Awful S*** You Forgot They Did. I love Cracked. Got to say, I did NOT know that about Rick James. That was terrible.
- Another Cracked article - If Hollywood Taught Science Class.
- Banned geek tries to explain himself to a gaming mod who doesn't appear to understand sarcasm or logic.

- An amazing collection of pics from nature.
- A slightly scarier collection of pics of gothic weddings.

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