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Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's Going to be Hot for Halloween 2009?

I know, its January, but this is the time of the year that costume retailers like us must make our ordering decision for 2009. Good thing that the manufacturers help us out with our decisions since they are in contact with the licensors who make the movies and tv shows that make so many costumes popular every Halloween.

You can also help us, take the survey at the top right of the blog and let us know what your most anticipated costume is for Halloween 2009. Or please leave your suggestions in our comments area.

Here is a cute video of the opening dance act of the costume fashion show that Rubies Costume Company put on for us. It may be early for Halloween, but its never the wrong time for dancing in sexy costumes, right?

Feeling Groovy?
Check out the newest designs in 60's retro costumes and leisure suits for men! This is a great couples idea, or a group costume idea for Halloween 2009! Start planning now and you will be ahead of the game for stress free Halloween shopping!

Stay tuned for details on what's hot for this Halloween!

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