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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Breaking it down

Politics simplified

I read a quote from Malcolm Turnbull in The Weekend Australian today and it got me thinking.

Here are the basic philosophies for the Liberal and Labor parties in Australia.

- People are the best judge of what they want, and they are the best ones to make decisions about their own futures. We should make it easier for people to make good decisions. Our policies will be aimed at encouraging people to make good decisions about their lives.

- Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes people end up in difficult situations through no fault of their own; sometimes they've got no one to blame but themselves. No matter. We should make sure everyone has as many chances as they need to make a good life. Our policies will be aimed at making sure no one is left behind.

That's my interpretation. Obviously there is a whole lot more too it, but I think when you break it down, that's where the parties are coming from.

So that's why the Liberals are known as the party for small business. Business owners are usually trying to work hard to make their lives better, so they try to make good decisions about their lives.

And that's why Labor is traditionally the party of the disadvantaged. People born into tough circumstances know how hard it is to get out without some help.

I think which outlook you agree with more is shaped a lot by your experiences growing up, your parents' opinions, and your current financial situation.

I think in Australia, we balance the two pretty well. Rewards for those who do the hard work for themselves, and a safety net for those who might otherwise be left behind.

The extremes
- Extreme liberal policies (small 'l' liberal, ie, not referring to the Liberal Party) can turn into a carnivorous society where the poor become entrenched in poverty. Without any form of safety net, they rely on aid organisations, extended family, the church, and crime. You can see the effect of this sort of government in many countries in Africa.

- Extreme left policies can turn into a centrally planned economy, where everything is based around the lowest common denominator. There is no incentive for anyone to work hard, as everyone gets the same anyway. You can see the devastating effect of these policies on Communist Russia, East Germany, Yugoslavia and the rest of the countries that no longer exist.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that.
ALSO - I feel exactly the same about Guitar Hero and Jesse's Girl as Gabe does.

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