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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Challenge: describe some well known TV shows in five words.

How I Met Your Mother: Barney? Legendary. Others? Gone downhill.

Arrested Development: Crazy family, normal son; hijinks.

The OC: Teenagers, money, parties, alcohol, love...

The Sopranos: Gangsters stupider, fatter, than realised.

The Office: David Brent sings. Awkward. . . . . Love.

Dancing With The Stars: Sonia Kruger retarded. With dancing!

Neighbours: "I'm in love with Brodie!"*

That 70s Show: Kids are dumbasses. Also, horny.

Firefly: Pointless Western references, funny dialog.

The Wire: Drugs, money, po-lice, murder... Omar.

Survivor: "Not here to make friends."

Flight of the Conchords: Hairy Kiwi boys seek love.

That was fun - feel free to toss me another challenge or two people! Thanks Emi for that one :) Hope I got the shows you were looking for! Also, I played around with the punctuation on the Office one. I originally had an exclamation mark on the end, but I took it off.

*Brodie may be male or female... it doesn't really matter.

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