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Monday, March 9, 2009

Snoop Daggy Dagg

ABBA is definitely daggy. Billy Joel can be daggy. Phil Collins is definitely daggy. Fleetwood Mac and Toto too.

It got me thinking: which bands do we listen to now that we will think are daggy in 30 years time?

I think they have to be a few things:
- Aimed at the popular market, and unashamedly so.
- Not worried about their image.
- Actually talented.

Those artists I listed above were actually talented (well, except perhaps Toto). ABBA pioneered vocal techniques used across the industry today. Billy Joel is a fantastic pianist. And Phil Collins is one of England's best ever drummers (seriously).

So who will be considered daggy in 30 years time? It will have to be a band good enough not to be forgotten.

Could it be Coldplay? Or will they go the way of the Beatles, and be rediscovered by new generations? I think U2 has already cemented it's "Beatles-style" status.

Matchbox 20 is probably already daggy. Same with Dave Matthews Band and all that crappy stuff no one I know listens to (seriously... who listens to the Dave Matthews Band?? Someone must be buying his albums).

Anyone got any ideas? Daggy/non-daggy?

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