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Friday, September 17, 2010


From Marvel Comics

The mutant daughter clone of Namora. Who is Namora? Namor's cousin! Well, not really, they aren't related, but that's neither here nor there. What IS here is a blue skinned aquatic babe who really has human colored (pink, so I don't fall into the "flesh" debacle that Crayola ran into a couple decades back) skin, but she can camouflage herself by changing her skin color. And let's just say Blue is Better.

Yes, she has wings on her ankles. That lets her fly. Well, "let" her fly, since she was nixed back at the start of the Super Hero Civil War. She was also super strong and could secrete toxins from her skin that let her paralyze people. Word to the wise: Don't tick her off before getting, uh, intimate with her.

Namorita was a member of The New Warriors, an otherwise obscure super hero team in the Marvel Universe. So if you haven't heard of her, don't feel bad. This is one mutant clone that is worth getting to know, though.

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