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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Masa lalu, pasti setiap orang punya masa lalu. Ada duka ada juga sukanya, masa lalu gak bisa diubah. Tapi masa lalu bisa dikenang dengan rapi dimemori kita. Nah, daripada aku cuap - cuap dari tadi mending kita
mengupas materi tentang Narative Text. Bagi yangpenasaran silahkan klik judul “NARATIVE TEXT”

Narative Text
        Something which happened in the past is themain resource to compose both recount and narrative text. In writer's point ofview, the thing is an experience. It can be what the writer has done, hear,read, and felt. Composing recount and narrative is retelling the experiences ofthe past event to be a present event.

         What does recount differ from narrative?

The easiest way to catch the difference isanalyzing the generic structure. Recount text presents the past experiences inorder of time or place; what happened on Sunday, then on Monday, the onTuesday. In simple way, recount describes series of events in detail. It doesnot expose the struggle on how to make them happen. The event happenedsmoothly. On the other hand, narrative introduces crises and how to solve them.Narrative text always appear as a hard potrait of participant's pastexperience. It reveals the conflict among the participants. Cinderella'sconflicts with her step mother and sister are the example. The conflict is themost important element in a narrative text. Narrative without comflicts is notnarrative any more.

Narrative text is a text that is used for the purpose ofentertaining or amusing, creating ,stimulating emotions,motivating,guiding andteaching the readrs or the listeners and it usually deals with actual orvicious experience.
Narrative text such as fable ( Mouse Deerand Crocodile ), legend/folk tables (Sangkuriang , Malin Kundang ), Fairy Tale( Cinderella, Snow White , Pinochio ).
The generic of Narrative text :
Orientation   : It sets the scene andintroduces the participants ( it answer
      the questions = who,when,what,where )
Evaluation      : A stepping back to evaluate the plight( the information
     about the narrator’s point ofview ) .It’s optional.
Complication : A crisis or a problem arises.Itusually involves the main        
.Resulation   : A solution to the problem ( for better or worse ) main
                       characters find ways to solve the problem.
Some important point in the story ofnarrative text are :
It uses temporal conjunction  : ex. once upona time ,before,after,etc.
It uses simple past tense        : ex. there lived a……….one day…there was…etc

For the exampleof Narrative text :

Once upon a time there lived a little girlnamed Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents weredead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talkingabout leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go toAmerica and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt todo this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning sheran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran awayinto the woods.
Then she saw a little cottage. She knockedbut no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming homefrom work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then SnowWhite woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What’s your name?” SnowWhite said, “My name is Snow White.”
Doc, one of the dwarfs said, “If you wish,you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then SnowWhite told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs livedhappily ever after.

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