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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pet Rock around Gold Coast

Pet Rock chillin' at Surfer's Paradise after almost drowning and saved by the beach flags. It's hair fell off after this picture was taken.

Us humans are too big for it's kind. The only things we could find at the beach that made Pet Rock look like almighty King Triton were seashells.

I bought this 'whale' for ten bucks at a Toy's 'R' Us store up in the Gold Coast. The box said "lil' whale" but it looks more like a dolphin to me. We didn't have a machine to inflate it up, not even one of those pumps used by hand for balloons. It was completely blown by mouth.

I think the whale has a hole in it.

Beachy and hot, here comes Pet Rock in it's new beach babe hairdo. It sure scored a few winks from surfers and that lifeguard over there.

He almost got cast away again while this picture was taken.

Not only did his hair fall off, but also his eye. I think I used crap glue.

"Oh Mr. Lifeguard! Save me!"

I tried many times trying to teach it to swim. Didn't work. I even tried swimming with it but it just dragged me down.

Too bad the shells weren't around to make it look huginormous. It looks puny in that towel.

On the aeroplane, going home to Sydney. Gold coast weather beats Sydney's by 5 times.

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