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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My top 10 search terms of all time. OF ALL TIME!

So here they are, the Top 10 searches that found my blog the most since July last year.

1) Did I say I'm just a boy
Well that makes sense. I've used it to search for my blog when I'm on a different computer and couldn't be bothered typing it in.

2) angus is a poo! "did I say I'm just a boy" hope you see this on google analytics
Yes, well done! I DID see it. Now whoever it is who is very very clever, I appreciate it. Feel free to toss up a few different ones every month ;)

3) boytaur
This is weird. I don't know if there is a boytaur community out there, but I've had a few hits on this term. A few too many for my liking! Stay away, boytaurds!

4) connie mitchell boobs
I was going to find a cleavagey pic of the Sneaky Sound System singer, link to it and say "There!! Go there! Leave me in peace!" However I discovered there are no such pics of Connie on the internet. Well played, Ms Mitchell. I can sense the frustration her fans must feel, and I guess that's why they trawl through their search results and come here. Well, no more:

5) grant birchall girlfriend
This has been a very consistent search term. It's been popping up almost every month. Who knows if he has one, but good luck to him. I don't know why they think I'd know. I've said it before - ask the Hawthorn media department!

6) grant birchall+pictures
A simple solution to this: Google Images. Or watch Hawthorn play on television.

7) ask geeves
If you're looking for Ask Jeeves, you won't find it here. But what you will find is a link to Tasmanian cricketer Brett Geeves' awesome blog.

8) eminem assonance
If you're looking for my favourite example of Eminem's assonant skills, check out his verses in 'Renegade'.

9) how to make a boy feel bad
I wrote a post on this one! Sad, but I guess it's come in handy for someone. Of course, Yahoo Answers has their own take on it.

10) rap songs about eamon sullivan
Not only have I written the best Eamon Sullivan rap song, I think I've written the only Eamon Sullivan rap song.

A good wrap up. I might do a list of the strangest ones I've ever got soon.

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