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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chapter 77.9: To the Moon! ... Bang, Zoom!

This could be interesting. The USA Today reports that a group of engineers is working on an alternative rocket to the Ares prototype that may eventually bring Americans back to the moon.

The article doesn't have a lot of detail (it is the USA Today, after all), but the way I read it, it sounds as though NASA doesn't believe it's safe enough to consider seriously; plus, NASA has spent about $7 billion to develop the Ares, so far, and it's not going to change its mind now.

I'm ok with that, but if some engineers can build a better rocket, I think the idea of competition should be fine. Of course, NASA is building with tax-payer dollars, so I'd like to think they've done enough homework to recognize that what they're working on is efficient and effective (I don't expect it be cheap; this is space we're dealing with!)

If nothing else, hopefully it'll inspire some great moon-related shows on Discovery!

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