Breaking the Silence - s5 fiasco
OK.. This time they have crossed the line..I've been trying to keep a low profile for a while in order not to be misunderstood by haters as if I am speaking of personal ambitions but the time to break my silence seems to have come.
As you can see on the message above, Developers have tried to convinced part of the players who have experienced connection problems that it has only been a regional problem (in Taiwan) while the error issue has been global.
If you track back my previous posts you will see that I have predicted that they will only come back with excuses such us "facebook server issues", "regional connection errors", "your ISP problems" etc..
It is also remarkable how easy it is for them to simply ignore all of our reports and use only those that serves particular purposes in order for them to involve in game/player progress by having an alibi.
As a matter of fact,
- Devs have been requested to finish all necessary preparations BEFORE we could reach the final day of season-5 emphasising that servers should have been ready to handle big traffic, filters should have been able to track cheating/hacking activities and that extensions would have been avoided. A related announcement has been left on general discussions by me not to "please the crowds" but to "push DEVs keep their promises".
- However, it appeared that DEVs have been completely unprepared or have been simply given a very good idea of how to interfere with Clan Wars and preservation of Competition without receiving any direct *** for "engineering" results.
Co-existing and in many occasions assisting the DEVs for almost a year now has granted me enough experience to know when I should be expecting a possible negative turn-out of things so the errors have been directly reported to Kage right after their appearance at 23:36 server time.
It is remarkable though how while all clans have experienced loading problems by a percentage of 80-90% of their total members some were still unaffected by errors until 23:55 server time (something that according to them appeared to be normal and they even though all other clans have been holding back their attack until that point)
In short, the email directly informed DEVs to take action, freeze rankings / fix error / resume the remaining time so that the outcome of season-5 wouldn't have been subjecting to doubts. - Furthermore, a 3rd email has been sent to the DEVs that have obviously been unable to make decisions during the torturing extension of 2 more ticks in order to put a maintenance, fix the errors, rollback to the point the game has been running smoothly and resume.
This email has also been ignored alike with the others and it seems that all this fuss has served as another alibi for the devs to continue making profits on the people who were still managing to log into the game and spend a few tokens even if that was only around 10% of total NS tournament participants.. (it was like they were giving time to those few to spend enough to cover the rest 90% that couldnt load chars at all).
Yesterday I have directed one more email to the DEVs that still probably remains idle in their inbox.
I do obviously NOT care about who came in which place BUT it is my duty as a customer AND a Forum Global Moderator to defend the rights of all NS players for a fair game.
A Developer's job is to DEVELOP the game and not decide how to equalize everyone for the sake of profits. I know no competition that the organisers will cut one leg of the fastest runner just for everyone to catch up.
Here is a part of my latest email to them:
having 75%-90% of a clan unable to fight means that (1) most of the players never had a chance to participate while (2) a few were forced by the circumstances to spend all of their tokens without reaching the desired outcome since their clan-mate support could never arrive because of your incapability to take decisions, act and control such situations.Jin (to DEVs) wrote:
In my opinion, you really need to set up defined rules so that you can follow a specific protocol in critical moments like this. For example, 90% of players get into an error mode -> the game will freeze and go under maintenance -> in case this couldnt happen in time, a roll-back will occur and refunds will be given.
It is about time that you should realise Ninja Saga has become popular enough to demand a more serious approach by you. You have to follow specific protocols as if you were a gaming-development colossus, i dare to say.
What has started as a project has now evolved into business hence you have to act professionally except you are planning to remove money involvement from the game.
Thank you for your attention.
Now we are going through another experiment of how much our tolerance to all those "incidents" will be and how strong our addiction will be to keep us enslaved in this game even with all those stuff happening.
They are designing accidental bugs of season to buy themselves enough time and get away with it as well as announcing modified season results right before our eyes abusing their power of forcing us "accept the situation or leave"
Well.. for their information, this is only a Flash Game.. life goes on even without it and unlike DEVs, we don't make any money out of it. If DEVs keep on acting like that we may not only pack and move into another of the thousands free applications that exist but mass downrate ninja saga as well to make sure that future players will have an idea of what is going on here..
I know that DEVs will keep it quiet and try to calm you down with a sudden release of bloodlines shortly.. that's what they always do since april if u have noticed.. whenever things go wrong they disappear and throw you a bone to lick, in fact, this bone is nothing but the leftover of your fat pay-checks to buy in-game tokens.
I may risk my position right now in Forums but I shall better fall for speaking up for what is right rather than swallow my words and betray all dear players, the soul of Ninja Saga and the only reason that it still worth playing it.
Just wait and see..
and remember my words, next time they screw up they will release something new or give you BETA (which was supposed to be ready since April, irrelevant? i don't think so)
edit: Admin is already online so we will know soon how much time I have left.. anyway they should have known from the beginning as i've mentioned plenty times already that serving as a link between them and ns-gamers will not always find me on their side if there's a need for them to have an ear pulled..
Re: Breaking the Silence - s5 fiasco
p.s. For those who know a few about the clan war history in relation with the DEVs:
Season-1: The rules have been changed 3 times until a ridiculous reputation system has been invented that turned competition into a lucky draw winner.. reason was that they didn't like the idea of someone dominating the season that early like a clan did staying 15 days on R-1
Season-2: The rules have changed based 100% to activity.. the known ones have once more kept rank-1 for almost one month and so a glitch has "accidentally" appeared in the game allowing clans who had a reputation gap less than 1000 reputation points to gain 100-rep from each other while the rank-1 clan could get from 7 to 10 reps per hit only.
Fortunately, the rightful champs managed to maintain their position.
Season-3: The glitch has not been lifted despite the hundreds of reports until season-3 when the system became balanced for the first 10 days. The known ones came to claim a stable rank-1 again and so rules have changed again to today's system:
Every clan that is above another will only gain from 0 to 5 rep-points from it while every clan that is bellow another will gain from 10 to 100 reputation points from it.
In other words for someone to maintain rank-1 forever it needs to have double size of clan (500 instead of 250 = impossible due to size limits) or be double as active which means if at least 1 player of one clan plays 13h a day then the rank1 clan needs to find someone who will play 26h/day = impossible since 1day=24h
-- Token wars have also been invented however the strong have proven their strength
Season-4: As mentioned, DestaVision hackers have been banned and returned as Mahogakure with which they won season-1 tournament. NS took no actions and announced them as winners of s1. they have been disbanded and returned in s4 as "Ninja Gangster".
It took me 3 seasons to find evidence about their hacks and still NG has been banned ONLY after the end of s4 probably because Devs have been hopping for another share of top3 to prevent same getting too much of it.
Season-5: Everything goes fine until server time 23:36. all clans get error except someone who continued to play until 23:55 server time for some weird reason. Despite the thousands reports NS takes no action and extends the tournament trying to make some profits.
Later they announce the winners of their choice probably after weighting who it worth buffing and who should be nerfed so that seasons 2,3,4 outcomes will not be repeated (afraid that this would decrease competition hence spent of tokens by other clans)
Season-6: God Knows..
the rest of the conclusions are yours.. that was all I had to say.
Season-1: The rules have been changed 3 times until a ridiculous reputation system has been invented that turned competition into a lucky draw winner.. reason was that they didn't like the idea of someone dominating the season that early like a clan did staying 15 days on R-1
Season-2: The rules have changed based 100% to activity.. the known ones have once more kept rank-1 for almost one month and so a glitch has "accidentally" appeared in the game allowing clans who had a reputation gap less than 1000 reputation points to gain 100-rep from each other while the rank-1 clan could get from 7 to 10 reps per hit only.
Fortunately, the rightful champs managed to maintain their position.
Season-3: The glitch has not been lifted despite the hundreds of reports until season-3 when the system became balanced for the first 10 days. The known ones came to claim a stable rank-1 again and so rules have changed again to today's system:
Every clan that is above another will only gain from 0 to 5 rep-points from it while every clan that is bellow another will gain from 10 to 100 reputation points from it.
In other words for someone to maintain rank-1 forever it needs to have double size of clan (500 instead of 250 = impossible due to size limits) or be double as active which means if at least 1 player of one clan plays 13h a day then the rank1 clan needs to find someone who will play 26h/day = impossible since 1day=24h
-- Token wars have also been invented however the strong have proven their strength
Season-4: As mentioned, DestaVision hackers have been banned and returned as Mahogakure with which they won season-1 tournament. NS took no actions and announced them as winners of s1. they have been disbanded and returned in s4 as "Ninja Gangster".
It took me 3 seasons to find evidence about their hacks and still NG has been banned ONLY after the end of s4 probably because Devs have been hopping for another share of top3 to prevent same getting too much of it.
Season-5: Everything goes fine until server time 23:36. all clans get error except someone who continued to play until 23:55 server time for some weird reason. Despite the thousands reports NS takes no action and extends the tournament trying to make some profits.
Later they announce the winners of their choice probably after weighting who it worth buffing and who should be nerfed so that seasons 2,3,4 outcomes will not be repeated (afraid that this would decrease competition hence spent of tokens by other clans)
Season-6: God Knows..
- You all guys are victims.. you fight for your flag, you fight for your reputation but DEVs love to see you flaming each other with a lot of Drama cos while u are busy with each other they are getting richer and richer. Today it was Zheninjas, tomorrow it will be the new rank-1 clan and next day the new and new so that all clans are forcefully bottomed to the same strength and pay their "rights of competition" every season. DEVs, why don't you put an entrance fee to every season if u want to encourage all clans that participate to spend tokens as well? Ask 50k tokens if you have the guts instead of cutting the head of the tallest each time.. ..but you cannot do it cos if you do it will be obvious that it is you behind all this and you do not want to receive the reputation impact of your true greedy intentions.
the rest of the conclusions are yours.. that was all I had to say.
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