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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chapter 73.5: Winter Forward?

It's not quite the same, changing daylight savings time in early March. I don't mind getting up one hour earlier on a Sunday, even though I had to get up particularly early today. But since the nasty storm caused blackouts throughout much of northern New Jersey, I went to bed early anyway.

But is it really necessary to make the change in early March? What brought this on? Why not do this at the end of March, or return it to early April. I believe Europe does it at the end of March; what's our rationale for doing it on the second weekend of March? If memory serves, the reason it was moved was because it saved more energy, but I also remember reading that another study said this isn't necessarily so. Are there any truly definitive studies on this matter? I'm all for conserving energy and saving money, but is this really safer?

Anybody else care to venture an opinion

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