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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Chapter 45.85: Quibbles and Bits

Ok, I enjoyed the final episode of The West Wing, though much of it was predictable. Who really thought President Barlet wouldn't pardon Toby? At least it wasn't dragged out too long. The only thing about that story line that surprised me was that Toby didn't appear in the episode. How'd you like to star on an award-winning show for seven years and fall on the cutting room floor in its finale?

I'm glad we didn't have to listen to yet another Matt Santos speech, though they're often well written. Also, I was pleased to see President Bartlet walk through the bullpen and thank the recurring characters, such as Carol, the assistant press secretary, and Ed & Larry (who serve as congressional liaisons).

I wasn't surprised to see that they did not get Glenn Close to reprise her role as the Chief Justice of the United States to swear in President Santos, but to their credit, they cast a blonde-haired woman.

I was left wondering if they couldn't have come up with something more for Sam Seaborn to do, or at least have him greet President Bartlet -- the man who once predicted Sam would run for the president someday. I don't know if Rob Lowe still feels miffed that the show didn't feature him enough (which is reportedly why he decided to return to television for such stellar shows as The Lyon's Den and Dr. Vegas), but one scene should have been possible.

And what ever became of Zoey and Charlie? One day Charlie's sneaking out of her White House residence bedroom, then we're left unsure whether Zoey has flown back to New Hampshire. And now Charlie's going to Georgetown Law School? Totally believable, but they had a pretty big story arc that went unresolved. Did I miss something?

Maybe in a couple years there'll be a return to the West Wing, but I suspect that shark has been jumped.

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