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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Chapter 36: One-Year Anniversary

I didn't happen to notice it until this morning, but I just hit my one-year anniversary of having a blog. My best-laid plans of trying to have a beautiful blog with photos and links to great items haven't come to pass yet. But I've enjoyed having this little sliver of space to wax foolish and ignorant.

Anyway, I was wandering through some of my literary e-newsletters and came across this item, which I haven't completely read yet.

It seemed fitting, however, given a conversation I had last night with one of Maureen's professional colleagues. We were chatting about books, and I said that I believe books are more popular and prevalent than the media would have you believe. Look at the success of Amazon, for example, and the number of reading clubs that have been created in the past decade. Sure, the avalanche of reality shows undermines any belief I might have in an intelligent society, but there are pockets of people who aren't slaves to inane television.

It gives me hope that there will be an audience for my novels, that people like to read books that don't insult the reader's intelligence. And while lots of people love nonfiction, I still think that story matters more than whether it's "true" or not.

I finished my proofing of the novel, and over the next week I'll implement the edits and write those new scenes. Maureen will have a copy before Memorial Day.

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