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Monday, March 29, 2010

These three pictures are my pumpkins from the last three Halloweens. I am not one to
carve out the skin of the pumpkins and carve faces.  I like to add different things to it that
I can find and kind of make it look 3d.  My favorite things to use are glue on nails ( wich I
use mainly for teeth.  The eyeballs are ping pong balls (I can either find them in white or
luckely they also come in orange.  The other thing I like to use are bamboo skewers, I usually
use them for the hair or in the instance of one of them I used them through the nose.  I also have used
staples, usually when I put a cut or scar in them I use them to look like stiching.

Most of the stuff I use I get from the Dollar store or Walmart.  Ping pong balls are easy to work
with they can be turned at any angle.  To hold them in I will dril a small hole in both sides and use
either a tooth pick or a skewer to hold them in.  The fake finger nails, I use for teeth and to make
them look different, like sharp or jagged, I used a pair of scissors to cut them. 
I love having one large pumpkin head and using smaller pumpkins as the young ones.
Pumpkins eating their young, isn't that what Halloween is all about! I sometimes refer to the smaller
pumkins like popcorn chicken.  You can never get enough!!   So far my favorite one is the very first one
in the pictures.  I did that one for Halloween 2009.  He's my cannibal pumpkin with the skewers through
the nose and in the top like a mohawk.  His hands are just the right size for keeping a couple extra small
pumkins for an after dinner snack!!! HE! HE! HE!

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