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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mantis - Marvel

From Marvel

Another green superhero. A hot, antennaed superhero. Who, like a preying mantis, eats her mate after they've done the deed. OK, maybe not the last part. But seriously, Marvel must have been at a bit of an impasse for new characters when they came up with this chickie. Not that, ultimately, we mind, because it's more fodder for our color skinned loving selves.

Mantis was an Avenger (who hasn't been, really? I wonder if there's a list of all the former Avengers and SHIELD operatives. It must include about 90% of all the heroes. Seriously. Whatever happened to standards?).

OK, easily offended better leave for this next paragraph. See, Mantis is half Vietnamese, half German. Which would explain why in some of the pictures she seems less green and more half-yellow.

Bah dum bum.

OK, easily offended can start reading again.

She tried hooking up with the Vision, she tried hooking up with the Swordsman, who died right after she proclaimed her love (see comment above. Did YOU see the Swordsmans body on the autopsy table?

But perhaps the most interesting thing about Mantis is that she hasn't just worked for Marvel - she's had work in both the DC as well as Eclipse and Image comic book universes as well. Which kind of makes me think of a roach - gets in everywhere, impossible to get rid of. Maybe Marvel missed the target with the name?

Well, that wraps up another episode of As The Hot Blue Chick Turns. Hope you enjoyed this weirdly hot insect chick. Just don't ask me to tell the insect chick joke that I've told in private company only. If you weren't offended by the half yellow comment above, you would almost definitely be offended by this one.

And last: Iron Man versus the Mantis!

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