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Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Catch Up

So I've been catching up on the internet today while I'm back in Hobart for a flying visit. A couple of things.

I love it when the Fug Girls have Jennifer Lopez on. The posts are hilarious.

Kanye posts a link to a day spa (that's d-a-i-y-e) straight out of Zoolander.

Speaking of Kanye, he's gone back to posting pics of girls again, although this time without the "Where are you Yeezy??" captions. I'm not sure what that means. He stopped posting pics of them for a while, but it seems like he's back with a vengeance.

This may scar you for life, but you can buy actual ladies underwear with Robert Pattinson's face on them. Yes. YES. IT'S TRUE.

Back to Kanye for a second, here's Spike Jonze slapping him in the face.

Behind the Scenes With Kanye from We Love You So on Vimeo.

Here's a really good article about working down a coal mine. I went down Beaconsfield Mine recently. It was a weird experience. I could have been 10m down a tunnel... but I was 1.2km straight underground, with 20-30km of tunnel above me.

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