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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What a Stooge!

Yesterday was the anniversary of Moe Howard's death. Moe, or as I like to call him, "The Angry Stooge," was the glue that held the other stooges together. Larry's the dumb one. Curly's the crazy one. Moe's the smart one... if that can be said of any of the Stooges. Moe always had the plan... the job... the scheme. Then the other two would get out of line, and Moe would have to smack some sense into them. Of course, then it would escalate until everyone was slapping, bonking, nose-grabbing, ear-twisting, and eye-poking each other to the point that everything fell apart. Simple but brilliant, every time.

Of course, it wasn't always Moe, Larry, and Curly. We can't forget the "Lesser Stooges" including Shemp (actually the older brother of Moe and Curly, and the funniest of the Lesser Stooges), then Joe Besser, then Curly Joe DeRita. Not as brilliant as Curly... but still damn good.

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