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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Brain Chemistry 101

Given how much our brain chemistry apparently affects our decision-making, I predict we'll see a large growth in industries that directly affect how we think.

That's already happened to some extent with anti-depressants and other drugs that are used to change our moods.

I believe eventually we will see this extended to decision-making drugs.

Want to lose weight? Take the medicine that increases your self-control.
Want to stop falling into damaging relationships? Take the medicine that improves your willpower.

How this will affect the world is anyone's guess. Given that expensive drugs are usually only available in rich countries, we could see richer people taking advantage of them. Rich people making better decisions, usually means rich people stay rich. As the drugs filter down to the general populace, we will start to see better decision-making across the board. The unfortunate side effect will be that those who most need to make good decisions - the poor - will be the last to get the drugs. But this has always been the way of life, so it won't change.

People making better decisions is definitely good for society. The problem of poor decision-making is probably at fault for a large part of society's ills.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

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