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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hanging with the Cool Kids and going Back to Black

For somebody who watched trailers and bits and parts of a few horror movies today, I am doing an incredible job at staying downstairs by myself. 

I know a lot of people are sending 'TBH' messages to each other on facebook, and I'm going to write a 'TBH' for those who read my blog. To be honest, I was planning to stop blogging. If I ever do, don't be surprised because I'm not a very consistent person. I only decided to blog again a few hours ago while sitting at an empty food court slowly eating my chips while all the fast food store owners are packing up and some trippy dude tried to walk by the food court to only-God-knows-where. The reason why I'm blogging again is to keep track of all my mini adventures and to record down things worthy to be recorded down.

Anyway, I made a last minute decision to run off and go to the pools with my friend Matthew. Because my phone froze and he didn't have the initiative to catch an earlier train to meet up with me, we ended up missing  the express train to our destination. We finally got there but it felt like forever when I was waiting in the change rooms. I have no idea what it's like in male change rooms, but in the female change rooms there are so many little children and they take ages getting changed! I remember how I thought I'd walked in the wrong change room because there were two little boys standing near the entrance. And don't you just hate it when people hog the spa? Especially when there's just that one bloke who sits by himself for forty minutes in a four-people spa. So because there were no spas left and I was too lazy to do any laps (I don't think I can even complete one lap of freestyle) we ended up chillin' in the really crowded pool with the really strong current and it makes you go around in a circle. We kept laughing at some woman who was standing with her eyes closed and palms out under one of those hose fountains. Far out, Matthew told me to hold his hand so I did, not knowing what the heck to expect, and he ended up pushing me into the current and waving goodbye as he watched me bobble away. But by the end of the day he got told off by some little girl, got his ass touched by some old woman, got his knee slammed with a chair and spilled his own Sprite. Karma did its work.

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I also abused him today with the most powerful and destructive weapon I could find in Tori's room- a soft toy dog which we all agreed closely resembled my friend Danny. Although the guys at Tori's house didn't let us put make up on them, some of them allowed us to paint their nails. I think Adrian has the prettiest hands in the world. Seriously, he should become some kind of hand model for rings.

And one last thing. You know how when people get angry in stories they cut their hair short and dye it black, like in the music video for Ur so gay- Katy Perry? Well that's pretty much what I did today, except I wasn't angry, and the hairdresser only cut off about two or three centimetres, and my natural hair colour is pretty much black anyway. 

I'm quite lazy today and I'm not bothered to proof-read everything I just wrote, so I'll just leave now. 

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