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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Facebook etiquette

Things I'm figuring out

How frequently you should update your status
- I'm settling on once a day, no more. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. Anymore than that and it's a little stupid.

What to do when things are "awkward" between you and someone
- It appears you cannot attend the same events when you're both invited over Facebook by a mutual friend. First in, best dressed.
- Uploading old photos including both of you is probably a no-no.
- Commenting on the same photo or status update or whatever is also out.
- If you haven't done it already, add them to a friends list that can't see much of your profile besides the basics.

The ratio of 'friends' to 'photos of you'
- To be honest, I think it should be 3:1. I'm way over that with 563:346. I'm not at the even mark, thankfully, but I think I'll need to go and cull some pics off the list.

Adding a someone as a friend again after you've already been rejected once
- I wouldn't know if this has happened to me, but I do know that I've rejected people twice (sorry if you read my blog and I've rejected you! It's probably because I have no idea who you are!). I think if you've been rejected once, it's over. Don't bother.

Posting pics from someone's schooldays is well uncool
- Unless, of course, they looked smoking hot or really awesome. Which is 0.005% of the population. Better to be safe and not post them.

Constant commenting on statuses
- Fine if you're funny, or have something interesting to add. If you're doing it for the sake of it... yeah, that's a fast ticket to getting put onto an "annoying" list where you can't see what someone is writing. (I recently did this... if anyone needs to know how, just ask!).

A good number of applications
- I draw the line at about four, others at about 50, and some, well, there is no line. If you're on your phone, or on dialup, trying to load a page with three hundred "Super Sparkle My Princess Dolphin Wall" applications, then you know how frustrating they can be. Then again, I enjoy my Chuck Norris and Compare Friends applications, so fair play.

Adding friends you don't know
- Personally? Not a big fan. But hey, whatever. I prefer to add people I would at least say hello to in the street.

Anyone else got some things they've found useful? The usual disclaimer: this is not a set of rules, just some ideas I think can work for some people. Don't feel like you have to go and remove all your "Which Pony Club Character Are You 2.0 Sparkle Mode!" applications!

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