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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Chapter 23.3: Door Hits Him in the Ashcroft

So long, Mr. Attorney General. Go back to your barbershop quartet and bully pulpit. In a hopeful sign that the second Bush Administration might actually attempt to include the word "compassionate" as it moves forward, John Ashcroft has resigned as attorney general -- and, more importantly, the president accepted it.

The man who couldn't beat a corpse for governor of Missouri took his shambles of a political career back to Washington, D.C., four years ago and arose from the debris of 9/11 to become the face of censorship in America. I'm not completely stupid, I know that our freedom of information can be used against us. But I tend to agree with Benjamin Franklin on this one; he said something like 'Those who diminish freedom in the name of security will lose both.'

I regret that Democratic fundraisers won't have Ashcroft to kick around any more, but I'm sure they'll find someone else.

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